by KaraLynne Mackrory
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Mar 10, 2014
This has to be one of my favorite P&P variations. Haunting Mr. Darcy is a sweet and funny story with both characters charmingly daunted by the crazy premise - Elizabeth has been knocked unconscious and her "spirit" leaves her body to haunt Mr. Darcy.
Darcy has returned to London, leaving Hertfordshire to forget about Elizabeth. He is unaware that Elizabeth has been in an accident and is clinging to live, but in a coma. Suddenly, he begins to see her in his home. He is the only one who sees and hears her. Not only can he carry on conversations with her, but there is some physical attachment that keeps her within about 20 feet of him at all times.
Elizabeth is shocked to find herself in Mr. Darcy's library. How did she get here? And, even more terrifying, she finds herself walking through walls and furniture. Is she dead?
Both of them think they are going crazy, so act in a totally uninhibited manner. Darcy talks to Elizabeth as if he is dreaming. Elizabeth is trying to figure out what has happened and to convince Darcy that she is really there. The physical connection and the reaction of others to Darcy's apparently talking to himself provide a tremendous amount of humor. Then the need to return Elizabeth's spirit to her body brings about a small amount of angst.
Add this to your list of variations to read as it is just so humorous and charming.
Of course, this has your standard happy ending, but there is just enough worry to give the story some tension. Recommended to the JAFF lover who can suspend disbelief enough to enjoy a spirited P&P variation.
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