I can honestly say that I am not a big fan of books about the side characters from Jane Austen books. Usually, I find little of interest about Kitty, etal. This short story was definitely a wake up for me on how lovely a story can be about side characters.
Since the book is short, so will be the review. This is a love story about Kitty and Colonel Fitzwilliam.
However, here is why I have given this story 5 stars: In a very short and sweet story, we see amazing character development by this author! Falling in love is not easy, and is filled with uncertainty and insecurity. Should I say this, should I do this, how will they take it, is this the right one, what if they reject me? etc. We see inside the hearts and minds of Kitty and Colonel Fitzwilliam as they experience these emotions as they also experience the joy of learning about each other and spending time together. But, in addition, we have some background that makes these characters unique. Colonel Fitzwilliam is still haunted by his time in battle and wonders about bringing his dark side to a marriage with such a young and innocent girl. Kitty is haunted by her life as the silly and irresponsible Bennet sister who followed in Lydia's footsteps and took no action to stop her ill-advised elopement with Wickham. In very short and spot on phrases, this author can draw you right in to the guilt and pain each of these two are experiencing, and the questioning they have about their readiness to marry. Really amazingly great writing. In very short spaces the author is also able to help us feel Anne developing a love for Alfred, Lord Matlock searching his soul for what he needs to do for his sons, Georgiana seeking a way to be the best friend possible, etc., etc.
Just a very lovely short story with tremendous character development in a condensed package. Wow. More, please.
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